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[MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C

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[MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C Empty [MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C

Message par Stdrome Mar 10 Mar - 22:01

Bonsoir à toute et à tous,

Après un bon moment sans nouvelles, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead nous reviens en version 0.C et le moins que l'on puisse dire c’est que cette MAJ est imposante, jugez plutôt :

Infighting! Monsters now have factions assigned and will attack other monsters from opposing factions.
Meteorology! Featuring all-new thermometer, barometer, and hygrometer, as well as an all-inclusive weather station.
 Now we can finally talk about the weather, as we've always wanted. (disclaimer, you can't chat about the weather with NPCs)
You can warm yourself up from a nearby fire.
Change car batteries without any tools, truck batteries with just a wrench, or install swappable storage battery cases and add/remove storage batteries to your heart's content. Electric cars come with cases for their storage batteries by default now.
Many vehicle parts are now foldable, enabling you to have a more complete folding bicycle (or wheelchair).
Aiming! You can now spend time when aiming a ranged weapon to improve your accuracy with it.
The patented DeathCam™! You can now watch what happens after your epic death: is anything left of you after that massive fire burns itself out?
Rifle straps! Mount one on your gun and just wear it when you're not using it.
Some cars have alarms now, and you can try to bypass the alarm and unlock the controls.
Better interactions with worn items, such as auto-retrieving stowed items from them.
Toggle modes for each vehicle turret individually.
Manual fire turrets.
Cameras mountable on vehicles to extend view area.
New drive-by-wireless system for cars, remote-control full-sized cars!
Clothing modifications (padding and reinforcing).

An abandoned farmhouse may spawn in the forest from time to time, with a sad story behind it.
Tanning with trees! Blackjack oaks now spawn, and can provide tanbark.
Electric chainsaws and jackhammers now exist in the world.
Destructible bridges! They can be smashed, they have sidewalks, and are a source of rebar.
Straw! Get it from the hay in farm barns and make yourself a nice straw hat.
Battery mods (extended battery, rechargeable battery, etc.) can now be removed by applying a screwdriver.
Wool and felt are now usable materials.
Lots of clay and pottery recipes/items.
Diesel fuel/engines/pumps.
Lots of comestibles and recipes for them.
Buildable concrete and brick walls and roofs.
Flu shot that actually innoculates against flu.
Metal tank furniture similar to a keg, but easier to make.
Lots of new clothes and recipes for them.
Large amounts of chemical and metalurgy additions, lots of bombs and rockets.
Interior lights for vehicles.
Fire engine, with a water cannon!
Occasional mineral drops when tunneling (limestone so far).
Zombie technician gained a disarm attack.
Student professions.
Generic spiritualist content.
Craftable canned food and recipes.
More farming content and recipes to make use of them.
Even more houses!

Butchering can now be used to cut up items, too. Also, you can now salvage _all_ the things (in a tile) in one keypress.
Item descriptions now tell you what you know you can craft with them. No more wondering what those stupid copper tubes are good for.
You can now choose to ensure that items you pick up never get wielded, keeping your hands free -- useful when you want to be using a martial arts style that's primarily unarmed.
Foraging just... happens. Without prompting you (Y/N?) every (Y/N?) time.
You can now choose to re-roll a random scenario along with your other random character generation things.
New item action menu, trigger items without rooting around in your inventory!
Option to merge all cash card charges into one card at an ATM.
Laser-dot targeting now triggers safe mode.
Streamlined vehicle construction menu by adding a shape select menu to parts that have multiple symbols.
Added tabs to vehicle construction menu to help manage all the parts.
Sound symbols persist until the end of the player turn, and can be examined for a description.
Warning prompt about activated items when sleeping or waiting.
Item names now have HP bars displayed with them.
Add V-menu (nearby items/monsters) to peek command.
Add filters to advanced inventory.

Gun mods aren't just a free-for-all when reaching marksmanship level 1 anymore -- instead, they each have different skill requirements to install.
Canes, cudgels, and umbrellas now work as improvised fencing weapons.
Gunstores are all locked up.
Muscle-powered engines can run alternators now.
Muscle-powered engines cause thirst, hunger and fatigue.
Split out more layering locations and layers, but made layering penalties harsher.
Nerfed shrapnel from bombs in general, they are MUCH less effective against armored enemies.
Monsters with many weapons semi-intelligently choose which ones to use.
Tuned skilling progression for making archery items to allow bootstrapping.
Unfletched arrows no longer count as ammunition so they don't clutter your firing menu.
Some monsters have a small amount of nightvision, Now you will learn why you fear the night.
Enabled trading with starting NPC at game start.
Slowed tankbots down so you have a chance of running away from them.
Zombie master special now picks from every zombie, not just a small list.

Doors and windows no longer hold up the roof! Hopefully preventing collapses from zombies breaking into your shop.
Solar panels now _just work_ (as long as they're above-ground and it's sunny).
Fixed dark temple finale by enhancing the dark wyrms that it spawns.
Fix slow vehicles getting stuck in reverse.
Fixed free blocks when player had no block techniques.
Make effects that damage all player bodyparts use the same armor code as other attacks.
Scale damage to armor based on its coverage so e.g. power armor isn't ridiculously vulnerable to acid.
Fatigue can no longer go so negative that you don't need to sleep for days.
Unify vehicle fuel handling.
Game remembers which mutations you had activated.
Fixed turrets shooting through doors.
Fixed bug that was making gun recoil be too low.
Fixed bashing corpses with blunt objects.

MASSIVE improvement in performance when there are large numbers (thousands) of items nearby.
Added a clustering algorithm for monster hearing that improves performance when there are many (thousands) of monsters on-map and making noises.
Iterate across map structures in cache-friendly way.
Avoid saving/loading sections of map that aren't interesting (like solid rock).

Diseases are configurable from JSON and applied as relatively generic status effects.
Pedal/wheelchairs/paddles united as a "fuel type".
About half of the item types are now composable, for example you can easily make a "wearable gun", or "wearable tool" now.
Overhaul and simplification of map data handling.
Simplification of gun and gunmod handling.
Restored building under MSVC.
Build performance improvements via removing unecessary includes.
Simplify handling of vehicle coordinates.
Visibility checking API cleanup.
Unified filesystem API.
Extracted activity handlers from game.cpp
Sound processing moved to a dedicated module. (in-game hearing, not the game making sound)
Moved some shared logic from player to character.
Streamlined obsolete mod handling.

Comme vous pouvais le voir cette grosse mise à jour contiens pleins de choses vraiment intéressante (les monstres réunis par ''faction'', la possibilité de viser, possibilité de construire un abri en brique, amélioration de l’IA...)

Sur ce je vous souhaite une excellente soirée.
Archeologist Collector lvl 25
Archeologist Collector lvl 25

Messages : 383
Points : 4161
Réputation : 8
Age : 36
Localisation : Appuis sur Maj + x et regarde sa carte...

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[MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C Empty Re: [MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C

Message par Guryushika Mer 11 Mar - 6:51

Oui j’ai vu ça hier soir, ça à l’air bien velu, je mets le Roguelike Bundle à jour à 12h Wink
Au dessus c’est Zot !
Au dessus c’est Zot !

Messages : 912
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Age : 47
Localisation : Brignoles

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[MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C Empty Re: [MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C

Message par Kasaris Dim 2 Aoû - 4:27

Yo, je réactive ce topic.

Hier soir je me suis dit : "aller, si j'essayais ENFIN Cataclysm". Je prends donc la dernière version dans le bundle. Je lance pour voir.
Et là que vois-je? Oh le jeu est traduit en français ! C'est marrant ça.

Ah mais merde c'est pourri en fait parce le jeu est TRADUIT A MOITIE BORDEL. Du coup on se tape une version forcément mal traduite et incomplète, c'est vraiment pas génial.

J'ai essayé de prendre le jeu aussi sur le site officiel et le wiki mais pu***, pourquoi c'est toujours cette version semi-française? Elle est où la version anglaise??? Le jeu s'adapte à la langue de Windows ou quoi?!!
The smartest and wisest being in existence
The smartest and wisest being in existence

Messages : 950
Points : 5428
Réputation : 11
Age : 34
Localisation : ^X + HJKL

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[MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C Empty Re: [MAJ] Passage à la version 0.C

Message par Balrogue Dim 2 Aoû - 13:18

En fait, tu peux changer la langue dans les options. Je te conseille de telecharger les dernières versions expérimentales sur le site pour avoir des tuiles en plus et quelques petit ajouts dans des mods.
Gargoyle Monk lvl 9
Gargoyle Monk lvl 9

Messages : 50
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Localisation : J'ai bien une réponse...

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Message par Kasaris Dim 2 Aoû - 13:40

Balrogue a écrit:Je te conseille de telecharger les dernières versions expérimentales sur le site pour avoir des tuiles en plus et quelques petit ajouts dans des mods.

Des tuiles ahah, non ça sera pas nécessaire par contre pour les mods pourquoi pas. Ok pour les options je vais voir ça.

EDIT : Oui hier soir j'étais assez vénère et fatigué en plus de ça. Cacodemon
The smartest and wisest being in existence
The smartest and wisest being in existence

Messages : 950
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Localisation : ^X + HJKL

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Message par Balrogue Dim 2 Aoû - 18:31

Tu joues en ASCII ? Oh maître, comment faites vous, moi ça me brûle les yeux et en plus, y a trop d'objets différents. Very Happy Mais y a des mods qui ne fonctionne pas. Genre un avec un rapport avec une chaîne de pizza je crois. DU coup, le jeu ne se lancera pas.
Bonne chance...
Gargoyle Monk lvl 9
Gargoyle Monk lvl 9

Messages : 50
Points : 3439
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Localisation : J'ai bien une réponse...

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Message par Guryushika Dim 2 Aoû - 18:49

CDDA…ya pas un set de tiles qui me plaît…ça gâche le jeu à mon goût Very Happy bon après chacun ses goûts Wink
(pinaise 4 accents circonflexes dans cette phrase…un truc mais un truc de dingue!)
Faudra que j’essaye les mods par contre ! Ça à l’air fun. Faut se faire un topic rien que pour les mods CDDA, genre «Vos mods préférés».
Au dessus c’est Zot !
Au dessus c’est Zot !

Messages : 912
Points : 5298
Réputation : 29
Age : 47
Localisation : Brignoles

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Message par Kasaris Dim 2 Aoû - 20:14

Ouais il y a l'air d'en avoir des assez drôles.
The smartest and wisest being in existence
The smartest and wisest being in existence

Messages : 950
Points : 5428
Réputation : 11
Age : 34
Localisation : ^X + HJKL

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