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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

2 participants

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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Empty Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

Message par Guryushika Ven 31 Jan - 7:25

Du 1er février 2014 au 16 février 2014 inclus

Les options à paramétrer et prérequis avant de commencer
La version utilisée sera la 0.13.1

Nous jouerons avec la combinaison suivante:
Tengu Death Knight (TeDK)

Chaque challenger devra poster sur le forum:
En texte

  1. copier-coller le fichier /morgue/morgue*.txt


  1. le score
  2. la cause de la mort (tué par quel monstre/piège/maladie…etc)
  3. le plus bas niveau atteint
  4. le ou les meilleurs objets possédés


  1. (facultatif) les tactiques utilisées
  2. (facultatif) les difficultés rencontrées
  3. (facultatif) une courte histoire de son aventure

En image (si possible)

  1. le dernier écran
  2. l’inventaire
  3. (facultatif) tout screenshot intéressant


  1. Chaque challenger a 16 jours pour jouer (oui 10000₂ ou encore 14₁₂ ou encore 10₁₆ c’est pas clair ?), incluant 3 week-end, le challenge débute le premier vendredi de chaque mois.
  2. Chaque challenger devra poster ses résultats sur le forum dans le sujet prévu.
  3. Chaque challenger ne peut jouer qu’une seule fois.
  4. Le Save-scumming est interdit
  5. On joue avec honneur et dans le respect des règles énoncées.
  6. Attention derrière toi y a 3 Hill Orc Priests

Numéro du challenge CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

Dernière édition par Guryushika le Dim 1 Juin - 22:28, édité 1 fois
Au dessus c’est Zot !
Au dessus c’est Zot !

Messages : 912
Points : 5385
Réputation : 29
Age : 47
Localisation : Brignoles

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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Empty Re: Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

Message par Guryushika Ven 31 Jan - 7:26

Au dessus c’est Zot !
Au dessus c’est Zot !

Messages : 912
Points : 5385
Réputation : 29
Age : 47
Localisation : Brignoles

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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Empty Re: Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

Message par xboxut Sam 8 Fév - 14:39

J'ai eu un peu de temps hier pour faire une petite partie! Décidément entre le tourist de unnethack et le tengu du DCSS, il y a clairement un thème qui ressort de ce ChRL: le pigeon ! Laughing

Coté partie, ça a commencé du tonnerre, j'ai eu la chance de ne croiser aucun named jusqu'à ce que mon piaf apprenne à voler! Le premier mob un peu chaud que j'ai rencontré était pickel l'esclavagiste, mais sans ces sbires. Dans la foulée j'ai trouvé une superbe armure qui file +5 en force  Cool qui m'a permis de descendre jusq'au level 9 du dungeon, là  ou j'ai trouvé l'entrée du lair. A partir de ce moment j'ai joué façon chochotte: J'ai pas vidé complètement le lair pour cause d'éléphants en surnombres. Idem pour les orcish mines, je suis tombé sur un named entouré d'un paquet d'orc, alors j'ai fait mon Rincevent Embarassed .
 Finalement, je me suis fait avoir par un shadow dragon   Shocked. Coté vie, on était au coude à coude! je pensais l'avoir à coup de miror et de drain mais ça à totalement foiré.

 Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Niveau10

Mort de Pickel! les esclaves font la fête.

Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Ouille10
Et deux named de plus!

Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Explor10
Exploration de the lair. Facile, jusqu'à ce que l'on tombe sur un troupeau d'éléphants!

Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Fin_de10
Fin de partie.

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.13.1 (tiles) character file.

35691 Xboxut the Nimble (level 13, -17/72 HPs)
            Began as a Tengu Death Knight on Feb 7, 2014.
            Was a High Priest of Yredelemnul.
            Killed from afar by a shadow dragon (37 damage)
            ... with a bolt of negative energy
            ... on Level 15 of the Dungeon on Feb 8, 2014.
            The game lasted 02:59:24 (17196 turns).

Xboxut the Nimble (Tengu Death Knight)            Turns: 17196, Time: 02:59:25

HP -17/72        AC 20    Str 25      XL: 13  Next: 75%
MP  16/27        EV 15    Int 15      God: Yredelemnul [*****.]
Gold 1485        SH  0    Dex 15      Spells:  1 memorised,  9 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .  See Invis. : .  a - +4 hand axe {=f}
Res.Cold  : . . .  Warding    : .  D - +8 scale mail of Wonder {Str+5 Acc-3}
Life Prot.: . . .  Conserve  : .  (no shield)
Res.Poison: .      Res.Corr.  : .  (helmet restricted)
Res.Elec. : .      Clarity    : .  L - +0 cloak
Sust.Abil.: . .    Spirit.Shd : .  h - +2 pair of gauntlets
Res.Mut.  : .      Stasis    : .  (boots unavailable)
Res.Rott. : .      Flight    : .  (no amulet)
Saprovore : . . .                    J - ring "Faym" {+Fly Str+3 Int+3}
                                    s - ring of regeneration

@: injury mirror, heavily drained, somewhat resistant to hostile enchantments,
extremely unstealthy
A: able to fly, beak, talons 3
a: Fly, Animate Dead, Recall Undead Slaves, Injury Mirror, Drain Life, Enslave
Soul, Renounce Religion, Evoke Flight

You were on level 15 of the Dungeon.
You worshipped Yredelemnul.
Yredelemnul was extremely pleased with you.
You were not hungry.

You visited 3 branches of the dungeon, and saw 24 of its levels.

You collected 1465 gold pieces.


Hand weapons
 a - a +4,+4 hand axe (weapon) {=f}
 b - a +0 blowgun
 v - a +1,+1 dwarven battleaxe
 K - a +0,+0 dagger of venom
 c - 113 darts (quivered)
 I - 44 poisoned needles
 h - a +2 pair of gauntlets (worn)
 C - a +1 ring mail of magic resistance
 D - the +8 scale mail of Wonder (worn) {Str+5 Acc-3}
  (You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon) 
  It affects your strength (+5).
  It affects your accuracy (-3).
 L - a +0 cloak (worn)
Magical devices
 j - a wand of polymorph (8) {unknown}
 n - a wand of frost (6)
 y - a wand of teleportation (3)
 B - a wand of flame (11)
 E - a wand of lightning (0)
 N - a wand of flame (4)
 O - a wand of draining (0)
 U - a wand of digging (12)
 W - a wand of teleportation (3)
 Y - a wand of hasting (6) {unknown}
 u - 5 meat rations
 G - 5 bread rations
 d - a scroll of summoning
 f - 6 scrolls of fog
 o - a scroll of fear
 q - a scroll of blinking
 w - 10 scrolls of teleportation
 F - 2 scrolls of enchant armour
 R - 2 scrolls of immolation {unknown}
 S - 10 scrolls of remove curse
 k - a cursed -3 ring of protection {unknown}
 m - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 s - a ring of regeneration (left hand)
 t - an uncursed ring of sustenance
 x - an uncursed ring of sustenance
 z - an uncursed amulet of faith
 H - a +1 ring of intelligence {unknown}
 J - the ring "Faym" (right hand) {+Fly Str+3 Int+3}
  (You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon) 
  [ring of intelligence]
  It affects your intelligence (+3).
  It affects your strength (+3).
  It lets you fly.
 P - an uncursed ring of magical power
 Q - a cursed ring of hunger {unknown}
 T - a +1 ring of strength
 V - a +5 ring of evasion
 X - an uncursed ring of protection from cold
 Z - an uncursed amulet of stasis
 g - 3 potions of brilliance
 i - 3 potions of restore abilities
 p - a potion of invisibility
 r - 3 potions of curing
 A - a potion of magic
 M - a potion of degeneration {unknown}
 e - a book of Wizardry 
  Spells                            Type                      Level
  Summon Elemental                  Summoning                    4
  Agony                              Necromancy                  5
  Force Lance                        Conjuration                  5
  Fireball                          Conjuration/Fire            5
  Haste                              Charms                      6
  Invisibility                      Hexes                        6
 l - a book of Beasts 
  Spells                            Type                      Level
  Summon Butterflies                Summoning                    1
  Sticks to Snakes                  Transmutation                2
  *Call Canine Familiar              Summoning                    3
  Ice Form                          Ice/Transmutation            4
  Summon Ice Beast                  Ice/Summoning                4
  Summon Hydra                      Summoning                    7

 + Level 6.0(4.6) Fighting
 * Level 12.1(10.5) Axes
 * Level 9.2(7.7) Throwing
 + Level 9.0(7.5) Armour
 * Level 12.9(11.2) Dodging
 - Level 0.9(0.0) Stealth
 + Level 9.6(8.0) Invocations
 + Level 2.7(1.4) Evocations

You had 9 spell levels left.
You knew the following spells:

 Your Spells              Type          Power        Failure  Level  Hunger
a - Call Canine Familiar  Summ          #.........  96%        3    ####...

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (15/27)            Temple (0/1) D:4            Orc (2/4) D:11
  Lair (7/8) D:9          Shoals (0/5) Lair:5        Snake (0/5) Lair:6
 Slime: Lair:6-8    Vaults: D:15-20   


D:7 [

Trove: D:11 (show slimy rune of Zot)

D:14 exclusion: silver statue
Orc:2 Urug

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You can fly.
You have a beak for a mouth.
You have claws for feet.

Message History

You peck the shadow dragon, but do no damage.
The shadow dragon is severely wounded.
You hit the shadow dragon but do no damage.
Your kick misses the shadow dragon.
Your peck misses the shadow dragon.
The shadow dragon is severely wounded.
The shadow dragon bites you but does no damage.
The shadow dragon claws you.
Yredelemnul mirrors your injury!
The shadow dragon is severely wounded.
The shadow dragon claws you but does no damage.
You barely miss the shadow dragon.
You claw the shadow dragon, but do no damage.
The shadow dragon is severely wounded.
The shadow dragon breathes negative energy at you.
The bolt of negative energy hits you! You feel drained.
Ouch! That really hurt!
You die...
Your body rises from the dead as a mindless zombie.

 +...+ ...#.^%?^.

You could see a shadow dragon.

Vanquished Creatures
  2 hydras
  Nergalle (D:10)
  A sun demon (D:14)
  3 unseen horrors
  Pikel (D:5)
  2 hill giants (D:14)
  3 cyclopes
  7 spiny frogs
  3 black mambas
  Psyche (D:8)
  A mermaid (Lair:5)
  A two-headed ogre (D:11)
  A troll (D:15)
  3 slime creatures (D:12)
  A blink frog (shapeshifter) (D:15)
  5 blink frogs (Lair:5)
  A trapdoor spider (D:15)
  2 basilisks
  A wyvern (D:9)
  11 ugly things (D:14)
  2 sharks
  6 orc warriors
  11 yaks
  7 hippogriffs
  3 molten gargoyles (D:12)
  A steam dragon (D:11)
  2 hill giant skeletons
  A rock worm (D:15)
  A hippogriff (shapeshifter) (D:13)
  2 vampire mosquitoes (D:14)
  Edmund (D:7)
  13 wolves
  2 manticores
  A mottled dragon (D:14)
  3 porcupines
  2 sky beasts
  3 ogres
  A giant goldfish (D:10)
  2 phantoms
  4 ice beasts
  4 centaurs (D:13)
  A warg (Orc:1)
  9 crocodiles
  13 giant frogs
  2 big kobolds
  2 giant slugs
  3 water moccasins
  A cyclops zombie (D:15)
  6 agate snails
  A manticore skeleton (D:8)
  7 killer bees
  An electric eel (Lair:4)
  7 jellyfish
  3 big fish
  6 crimson imps
  A quasit (D:8)
  A lava snake (Lair:4)
  A basilisk zombie (D:14)
  2 hounds
  A soldier ant zombie (D:8)
  A giant frog skeleton (D:11)
  9 orc priests
  3 scorpions
  9 worker ants
  An iron imp (D:14)
  11 orc wizards
  A yak simulacrum (D:15)
  4 iguanas
  7 spectral orcs (D:10)
  13 sheep
  21 adders
  4 giant centipedes
  12 green rats
  A worm zombie (D:4)
  2 giant mites
  5 worms
  A scorpion zombie (D:5)
  An adder zombie (D:8)
  8 giant geckos
  An ooze (D:2)
  68 orcs
  A bat skeleton (D:6)
  6 giant cockroaches
  12 goblins
  20 hobgoblins
  16 jackals
  15 kobolds
  9 quokkas
  17 bats
  A giant gecko zombie (D:4)
  3 giant newts
  A giant newt skeleton (D:5)
  A giant spore (D:12)
  A hobgoblin zombie (D:4)
  A kobold skeleton (D:5)
  2 kobold zombies (D:6)
  23 rats
  8 ballistomycetes
  7 fungi
  2 plants
520 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  A catoblepas (Lair:5)
  A centaur warrior (D:13)
  An unseen horror (D:13)
  A hill giant (D:13)
  A cyclops (D:13)
  An elephant (Lair:7)
  Maurice (D:8)
  A spiny frog (Lair:5)
  A komodo dragon (Lair:5)
  A two-headed ogre (D:12)
  A troll (D:10)
  2 basilisks
  A shark (D:10)
  9 ugly things
  2 vampire mosquitoes (D:14)
  7 yaks
  A molten gargoyle (D:12)
  2 hungry ghosts
  2 hippogriffs
  5 wolves
  A necrophage (D:12)
  A porcupine (Lair:3)
  4 orc warriors
  A black bear (D:9)
  A sky beast (D:13)
  A giant goldfish (D:10)
  4 crocodiles
  4 centaurs (D:13)
  5 ogres
  4 giant frogs
  2 water moccasins
  A boring beetle (Lair:6)
  A giant slug (Lair:5)
  Blork the orc (D:8)
  A cyclops zombie (D:13)
  3 agate snails
  An eye of draining (D:13)
  A wyvern skeleton (D:14)
  2 jellyfish
  3 electric eels
  A killer bee (D:7)
  A goliath beetle (D:13)
  A lava snake (Lair:4)
  4 crimson imps
  3 big fish
  4 orc priests
  3 hounds
  2 jellies
  9 iguanas
  2 orc wizards
  3 spectral orcs (D:10)
  A worker ant (D:4)
  A sheep (Lair:7)
  A brain worm zombie (D:12)
  An ogre skeleton (D:5)
  A hound skeleton (D:4)
  3 adders
  A giant centipede (D:13)
  12 green rats
  3 worms
  A giant mite (D:3)
  A goliath beetle zombie (D:9)
  A giant eyeball (D:9)
  An orc zombie (Orc:1)
  A giant gecko (D:7)
  15 orcs
  3 goblins
  2 jackals (Lair:5)
  2 kobolds
  4 quokkas
  4 bats
  A giant newt (D:1)
  A giant spore (D:6)
  2 rats
  3 ballistomycetes (D:12)
  13 fungi
  5 plants
201 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A phantasmal warrior (D:14)
  3 flying skulls
  3 ugly thing zombies (D:14)
  4 wraiths
  An agate snail zombie (Lair:2)
  A spiny frog zombie (Lair:4)
  A slave (D:5)
  A vampire mosquito zombie (D:14)
  3 yak zombies (D:10)
  A rock worm zombie (D:15)
  2 wights
  2 wolf zombies
  A yak skeleton (D:12)
  8 giant frog zombies
  A two-headed ogre zombie (D:11)
  2 centaur zombies (D:13)
  2 water moccasin zombies
  A basilisk zombie (D:14)
  A warg zombie (Orc:1)
  2 killer bee zombies (D:7)
  A crocodile zombie (D:11)
  An ogre zombie (D:8)
  A hound zombie (D:11)
  2 mummies
  3 worker ant zombies
  A big fish zombie (Lair:4)
  An adder (D:5)
  2 human zombies
  A worm (D:5)
  2 sheep zombies (D:14)
  5 adder zombies
  2 electric eel zombies (Lair:4)
  A giant centipede zombie (Lair:5)
  A scorpion zombie (D:8)
  6 bat zombies
  14 green rat zombies (Lair:2)
  A hobgoblin (D:5)
  A quokka (D:5)
  A bat (D:5)
  A giant cockroach zombie (D:7)
  2 giant mite zombies
  A giant newt zombie (D:1)
  A goblin (D:5)
  3 goblin zombies
  5 hobgoblin zombies
  3 jackal zombies
  7 kobold zombies
  37 orc zombies
  A quokka skeleton (D:5)
  2 quokka zombies
  A rat skeleton (D:4)
  5 rat zombies
  4 fungi
  4 toadstools (D:1)
165 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 886 creatures vanquished

Turn  | Place    | Note
    0 | D:1      | Xboxut, the Tengu Death Knight, began the quest for the Orb.
    0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 12/12 MP: 2/2
  190 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 17/17 MP: 0/4
  673 | D:2      | Reached skill level 3 in Invocations
  743 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/21 MP: 4/6
  1030 | D:2      | Acquired Yredelemnul's second power
  1722 | D:3      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 16/27 MP: 8/8
  2321 | D:4      | Noticed a phantom
  2372 | D:4      | Killed a phantom
  2372 | D:4      | Reached skill level 4 in Invocations
  2372 | D:4      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 17/31 MP: 11/11
  2395 | D:4      | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
  2680 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 15/36 MP: 13/13
  2999 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  3005 | D:5      | Acquired Yredelemnul's third power
  3010 | D:5      | Noticed Pikel
  3020 | D:5      | Killed Pikel
  3020 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations
  3020 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Evocations
  3020 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 3/40 MP: 13/16
  3153 | D:5      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 45/45 MP: 18/18
  3215 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Throwing
  3220 | D:5      | Reached skill level 6 in Invocations
  3314 | D:5      | Got a steaming scale mail
  3327 | D:5      | Identified the cursed +8 scale mail of Wonder {Str+5 Acc-3} (You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon)
  3405 | D:5      | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
  3450 | D:5      | Got an ancient glass ring
  3879 | D:6      | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  4027 | D:6      | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
  4252 | D:7      | Noticed Edmund
  4312 | D:7      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 50/50 MP: 20/20
  4361 | D:7      | Reached skill level 5 in Armour
  4380 | D:7      | Reached skill level 5 in Axes
  4502 | D:7      | Killed Edmund
  4510 | D:7      | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.
  4566 | D:7      | Your ally Edmund died
  4882 | D:7      | Found Numelai's Armour Boutique.
  4892 | D:7      | Acquired Yredelemnul's fourth power
  4939 | D:7      | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
  5068 | D:8      | Noticed Psyche
  5072 | D:8      | Noticed Maurice
  5116 | D:8      | Killed Psyche
  5170 | D:8      | Reached skill level 7 in Dodging
  5340 | D:8      | Noticed Blork the orc
  5350 | D:8      | Killed Blork the orc
  5361 | D:8      | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
  5499 | D:8      | Reached XP level 10. HP: 42/56 MP: 22/22
  5509 | D:8      | Killed Maurice
  5569 | D:8      | Your ally Psyche died
  6233 | D:9      | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
  6237 | D:9      | Paralysed by a giant eyeball for 4 turns
  6366 | D:9      | Reached skill level 8 in Dodging
  6712 | D:9      | Found a staircase to the Lair.
  6911 | Lair:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
  7149 | Lair:1  | Reached skill level 5 in Throwing
  7300 | Lair:1  | Noticed a black mamba
  7316 | Lair:1  | Killed a black mamba
  7747 | Lair:2  | Reached XP level 11. HP: 49/60 MP: 24/24
  7770 | Lair:2  | Identified the ring "Faym" {+Fly Str+3 Int+3} (You found it on level 5 of the Dungeon)
  8116 | Lair:2  | Noticed a four-headed hydra
  8135 | Lair:2  | Killed a four-headed hydra
  8166 | Lair:2  | Reached skill level 9 in Dodging
  8759 | Lair:3  | Acquired Yredelemnul's fifth power
  9654 | Lair:4  | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
  9963 | Lair:4  | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
 10289 | Lair:5  | Reached skill level 5 in Fighting
 10449 | Lair:5  | Reached skill level 10 in Dodging
 10547 | Lair:5  | Reached XP level 12. HP: 31/67 MP: 25/25
 10586 | Lair:5  | Reached skill level 10 in Axes
 10877 | Lair:5  | Noticed a catoblepas
 10887 | Lair:5  | Killed a catoblepas
 11017 | Lair:5  | Found a staircase to the Shoals.
 11356 | Lair:6  | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit.
 11629 | Lair:7  | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
 11865 | D:10    | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
 12157 | D:10    | Reached skill level 11 in Dodging
 12375 | D:10    | Noticed Nergalle
 12408 | D:10    | Killed Nergalle
 13097 | D:11    | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
 13309 | D:11    | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
 13338 | Orc:1    | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
 13516 | Orc:1    | Found a radiant altar of Vehumet.
 13550 | Orc:1    | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
 13736 | Orc:2    | Noticed Urug
 13986 | D:11    | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure.
 14555 | D:12    | Reached XP level 13. HP: 72/72 MP: 27/27
 15195 | D:12    | Received a gift from Yredelemnul
 15368 | D:13    | Reached skill level 12 in Dodging
 15584 | D:13    | Found a labyrinth entrance.
 15890 | D:14    | Entered Level 14 of the Dungeon
 15912 | D:14    | Got a faintly glowing chain mail
 15931 | D:14    | Identified the +4 chain mail of the Lost Beggars {rC++} (You found it on level 14 of the Dungeon)
 16391 | D:14    | Got a shimmering chain mail
 16408 | D:14    | Identified the +0 chain mail "Farouwk" {Str-3 Int+3} (You found it on level 14 of the Dungeon)
 16537 | D:14    | Learned a level 3 spell: Call Canine Familiar
 16826 | D:15    | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
 17169 | D:15    | Noticed a shadow dragon
 17196 | D:15    | Killed from afar by a shadow dragon

Action                  |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 | 10-12 | 13-15 || total
Melee: Hand axe          |    90 |  101 |  384 |  1397 |  369 ||  2341
 Fire: Blowgun          |      |      |      |      |    4 ||    4
Throw: Dart              |      |      |    26 |    59 |    22 ||  107
      Dagger            |      |      |    4 |    1 |      ||    5
Invok: Animate Remains  |    14 |    18 |    12 |      |      ||    44
      Injury Mirror    |      |    1 |    1 |    1 |    3 ||    6
      Animate Dead      |      |      |    20 |    93 |    19 ||  132
      Recall Undead Sla |      |      |    3 |    4 |    3 ||    10
      Drain Life        |      |      |      |      |    2 ||    2
Evoke: Wand              |      |    11 |    8 |    33 |    4 ||    56
  Use: Scroll            |    7 |    7 |    11 |    24 |    3 ||    52
      Potion            |      |      |    3 |    13 |    5 ||    21
 Stab: Distracted        |    1 |      |    2 |    16 |    3 ||    22

Ranger Arbalester lvl 13
Ranger Arbalester lvl 13

Messages : 87
Points : 4213
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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Empty Re: Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

Message par Guryushika Dim 16 Fév - 17:51

Partie bâclée, commencée en début de challenge, abandonnée pendant 2 semaines et recommencée auj…mort ultra rapide quand tu sais plus où t’en es !

 Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.13.1 (tiles) character file.

2330 guryushika the Fey Tengu (level 9, -9/50 HPs)
            Began as a Tengu Death Knight on Feb 2, 2014.
            Was a Believer of Yredelemnul.
            Killed by divine providence
            ... invoked by an orc priest
              (16 damage)
            ... on Level 6 of the Dungeon on Feb 16, 2014.
            The game lasted 00:36:12 (6889 turns).

guryushika the Fey Tengu (Tengu Death Knight)      Turns: 6889, Time: 00:36:12

HP  -9/50        AC 17    Str 18      XL: 9  Next: 17%
MP  21/21        EV 10    Int 11      God: Yredelemnul [**....]
Gold 395        SH  9    Dex 15      Spells:  0 memorised,  8 levels left

Res.Fire  : . . .  See Invis. : .  A - +3,+1 flail (protect)
Res.Cold  : . . .  Warding    : .  e - +1 chain mail
Life Prot.: . . .  Conserve  : .  k - +0 buckler
Res.Poison: .      Res.Corr.  : .  (helmet restricted)
Res.Elec. : .      Clarity    : .  (no cloak)
Sust.Abil.: . .    Spirit.Shd : .  p - +1 pair of gauntlets
Res.Mut.  : .      Stasis    : .  (boots unavailable)
Res.Rott. : .      Flight    : .  (no amulet)
Saprovore : . . .                    m - +2 ring of strength
                                    w - +4 ring of evasion

@: drained, slightly resistant to hostile enchantments, extremely unstealthy
A: able to fly, beak, talons 3
a: Fly, Animate Remains, Recall Undead Slaves, Injury Mirror, Renounce Religion

You were on level 6 of the Dungeon.
You worshipped Yredelemnul.
Yredelemnul was pleased with you.
You were not hungry.

You visited 1 branch of the dungeon, and saw 7 of its levels.
You also visited: Sewer.

You collected 375 gold pieces.


Hand weapons
 a - a +2,+1 mace
 i - a +3,+3 whip of draining
 l - a +2,+2 great mace
 A - a +3,+1 flail of protection (weapon)
 b - a +0 elven leather armour
 e - a +1 chain mail (worn)
 k - a +0 buckler (worn)
 p - a +1 pair of gauntlets (worn)
Magical devices
 n - a wand of frost (8)
 y - a wand of random effects (10) {unknown}
 D - a wand of random effects (13) {unknown}
 r - a bread ration
 C - a rotting chunk of giant gecko flesh
 d - 5 scrolls of identify
 g - 3 scrolls of remove curse {unknown}
 h - 3 scrolls of fear
 o - 2 scrolls of blinking
 q - 3 scrolls of teleportation
 t - a scroll of fog {unknown}
 v - 2 scrolls of random uselessness {unknown}
 x - a scroll of recharging {unknown}
 z - 2 scrolls of curse armour {unknown}
 B - a scroll of silence {unknown}
 f - an uncursed ring of magical power
 m - a +2 ring of strength (right hand)
 w - a +4 ring of evasion (left hand)
 j - 7 potions of curing
 s - a potion of invisibility

 + Level 2,9(2,6) Fighting
 + Level 4,9(4,6) Maces & Flails
 + Level 4,7(4,4) Armour
 + Level 5,4(5,1) Dodging
 + Level 0,7(0,4) Stealth
 + Level 1,9(1,6) Shields
 * Level 7,8(7,5) Invocations

You had 8 spell levels left.
You didn't know any spells.

Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations

Dungeon (7/27)           
Temple: D:4-7          Orc: D:6-11     

Sif Muna

Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations

You can fly.
You have a beak for a mouth.
You have claws for feet.

Message History

The crimson imp blinks!
You hit the wight. You claw the wight. You peck the wight.
The wight is almost destroyed.
The wight hits you but does no damage.
You thump the wight!
You destroy the wight!
The orc priest prays to Beogh.
You feel troubled.
An orc and an orc priest come into view.
The orc priest hits you but does no damage.
Your giant gecko skeleton bites the crimson imp but does no damage.
Things that are here:
a long sword; a robe
You thump the orc priest! Your kick misses the orc priest.
The orc priest is severely wounded.
You block the orc priest's attack.
The orc priest calls down the wrath of Beogh upon you.
Something smites you!
You die...
Your body rises from the dead as a mindless zombie.

.......z#    #..#  #.....................<
.......z#    #..#  #..................####
........#    #..####..................#
######..#######..#  #..#  #................
    #..#    #..#  #..#  #................
    #..#    #..#  #..#  #............####
      #..#    #..#  #5.#  #................
      #..#    #..#  #.z#  #................
        #..#      #..#  #..#      #......
        #..#      #..#  #..#      #......
        #..#      #..#  #..#      #..####
        #..#      #..#  #..#      #z.#
        #..#      #..#  #..#      #..#

You could see 2 orc priests, a crimson imp, an orc and a friendly giant gecko

Vanquished Creatures
  A phantom (D:6)
  A centaur (D:6)
  Sigmund (D:4)
  A big kobold (Sewer)
  A giant frog (D:6)
  2 ogres (D:6)
  6 killer bees (D:5)
  A big fish (Sewer)
  5 wights
  A crimson imp (D:6)
  A centaur skeleton (D:6)
  An iguana (D:4)
  An orc wizard (D:5)
  2 worker ants (D:6)
  Ijyb (D:3)
  An ogre skeleton (D:6)
  Terence (D:3)
  5 adders
  A gnoll (D:7)
  2 green rats
  5 worms
  An adder zombie (D:6)
  A grey rat (Sewer)
  7 giant geckos
  5 orcs
  2 ball pythons (D:4)
  3 giant cockroaches
  9 goblins
  7 hobgoblins
  2 jackals (Sewer)
  7 bats
  6 giant newts
  A hobgoblin skeleton (D:4)
  13 kobolds
  An orc skeleton (D:4)
  11 rats
  A ballistomycete (D:6)
  A butterfly (D:6)
119 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
  3 ogres
  3 centaurs
  3 wights (D:6)
  A goliath beetle (D:6)
  A worker ant (D:5)
  3 gnolls (D:5)
  A goliath beetle zombie (D:5)
  A worm (D:2)
  2 giant geckos
  An ooze (D:1)
  2 orcs
  3 bats
  3 goblins
  A giant cockroach (D:6)
  A giant newt (D:1)
  A ballistomycete (D:6)
  3 butterflies (D:6)
33 creatures vanquished.

Vanquished Creatures (others)
  A giant frog zombie (D:6)
  A centaur skeleton (D:6)
  A killer bee zombie (D:5)
  An iguana (D:6)
  2 ogre zombies (D:6)
  A worker ant zombie (D:6)
  A human zombie (D:4)
  An adder zombie (D:6)
  A bat skeleton (D:3)
  2 giant cockroach zombies (D:6)
  A giant spore (D:6)
  A goblin zombie (D:2)
  A hobgoblin zombie (D:3)
  4 kobold zombies
19 creatures vanquished.

Grand Total: 171 creatures vanquished

Turn  | Place    | Note
    0 | D:1      | guryushika, the Tengu Death Knight, began the quest for the Orb.
    0 | D:1      | Reached XP level 1. HP: 12/12 MP: 2/2
  150 | D:1      | Reached XP level 2. HP: 14/17 MP: 4/4
  694 | D:1      | Reached skill level 3 in Invocations
  744 | D:2      | Reached XP level 3. HP: 12/21 MP: 6/6
  754 | D:2      | Acquired Yredelemnul's second power
  1390 | D:2      | Reached XP level 4. HP: 23/27 MP: 8/8
  1712 | D:2      | Found a snail-covered altar of Cheibriados.
  2228 | D:3      | Noticed Ijyb
  2241 | D:3      | Killed Ijyb
  2475 | D:3      | Noticed Terence
  2500 | D:3      | Killed Terence
  2500 | D:3      | Reached XP level 5. HP: 9/31 MP: 11/11
  3224 | D:4      | Reached skill level 4 in Invocations
  3453 | D:4      | Noticed Sigmund
  3466 | D:4      | Killed Sigmund
  3466 | D:4      | Reached XP level 6. HP: 20/36 MP: 13/13
  3836 | D:4      | Found a glowing drain.
  3857 | D:4      | Your ally Sigmund died
  3948 | Sewer    | Entered a sewer
  4203 | Sewer    | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
  4519 | D:5      | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
  4585 | D:5      | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
  4614 | D:5      | Reached skill level 5 in Invocations
  4614 | D:5      | Reached XP level 7. HP: 13/40 MP: 15/15
  4618 | D:5      | Reached skill level 1 in Shields
  5212 | D:5      | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
  5487 | D:6      | Reached XP level 8. HP: 41/45 MP: 18/18
  5710 | D:6      | Reached skill level 6 in Invocations
  5826 | D:6      | Got an emerald-encrusted ring mail
  5834 | D:6      | Identified the cursed -5 ring mail of Inaction {rElec} (You found it on level 6 of the Dungeon)
  5859 | D:6      | Reached skill level 7 in Invocations
  5907 | D:6      | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
  6071 | D:6      | Reached skill level 5 in Dodging
  6391 | D:6      | Reached XP level 9. HP: 50/50 MP: 21/21
  6889 | D:6      | Killed from afar by an orc priest

Action                  |  1- 3 |  4- 6 |  7- 9 || total
Melee: Mace              |    78 |  155 |    33 ||  266
      Whip              |      |      |    12 ||    12
      Flail            |      |      |  102 ||  102
Invok: Animate Remains  |    8 |    16 |    19 ||    43
      Injury Mirror    |      |    5 |    1 ||    6
      Recall Undead Sla |      |      |    1 ||    1
 Abil: Fly              |      |    5 |    2 ||    7
Evoke: Wand              |      |      |    2 ||    2
  Use: Potion            |    3 |      |    5 ||    8
      Scroll            |      |    8 |    8 ||    16
 Stab: Distracted        |      |      |    1 ||    1

Au dessus c’est Zot !
Au dessus c’est Zot !

Messages : 912
Points : 5385
Réputation : 29
Age : 47
Localisation : Brignoles

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Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5 Empty Re: Challenge Francophone de Roguelike - DCSS - Février 2014 - CFRL1402DCSS0131-TeDK-5

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